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LEAVE OUT THE SARCASM Most of the time we either don't get it or you end up coming off as a smartass.

AVOID CLICHES Don't write what everybody else writes. Avoid anything about the beach, long walks--all that crap. Open up just enough to pique our interest, without revealing too much of your inner freakiness.

DON'T FREE ASSOCIATE "Umm, wow, this is so hard. Gee, how to summarize myself in this little box." Dude. Take the time. If you can't figure out what you want to say, we won't take the time to respond.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, SPELL-AND GRAMMAR-CHECK! No matter how good your game, you've got no chance of sounding intelligent when you end a message by asking us to "right back soon."


PICK THE RIGHT SHOT One in which you're front and center--just you and your face. That skiing shot may seem like a good idea, but really, even if you're not Brad Pitt, we just want to see what you look like.

KEEP IT SIMPLE No hats, sunglasses, children, pets--and especially no other women.

60 FULL FRONTAL, No, not in the nude. Just a full-length shot of your entire body. Everybody can look like James Bond in one picture. Most girls need at least two to be convinced you're worth the effort.


We posted the exact same photo and bio on
each of the sites we profiled. Here's how our guy
did, response-wise, within his first week online.


Nerve 38
craigslist 4
eHarmont 8
Match 47
Myspace 53
Hot or Not? 26